Steps To Treating a Minor Wound at Home
Cuts and wounds will happen with everyday household tasks. Washing dishes might cause a glass to break, or preparing food can result in a knife slip. Usually, you can treat minor cuts quickly at home to prevent infection. For more severe cuts or wounds, seek out emergency care. Here are steps to treating a minor wound at home.
Clean Your Hands
Wash your hands to prevent infection before treating your wound.
Wash the Wound
With cool running water, flush the wound out to remove any debris or dirt. Use a non-abrasive soap like hand soap to cleanse the cut.
Stop the Bleeding
Apply pressure to the wound to stop bleeding with a clean towel or gauze. If possible, elevate the wound above the heart to slow blood flow. Usually, you’ll have to apply pressure for a minute or two before the bleeding will stop.
Apply an Antibiotic
Applying an antibiotic ointment and petroleum jelly will also help prevent infection by killing bacteria and speeding up the healing process. Apply these products carefully after the wound has stopped bleeding.
Cover the Wound
Covering the wound keeps it free from irritants. Cover the cut entirely with a bandage or gauze held in place with medical tape. If the bleeding persists, change the dressing often.
Change the Covering
Even if bleeding doesn’t continue, change the bandage or gauze daily. Remove and replace it with a new bandage if it becomes wet, as this can encourage bacteria to grow.
Contact Emergency Care for a Tetanus Shot
You may need a tetanus shot if you haven’t had one recently. Generally, everyone should get a tetanus shot every 10 years. A tetanus shot is required if the cut is deep or dirty. Contact your doctor or emergency care.
Check for Signs of Infection
One of the most important steps for treating a minor wound at home is to watch for infection. Keep an eye on how your cut or wound is healing. Check your wound for infection often. Indications of infection include:
- Pain
- Warmth
- Drainage
- Swelling
- Redness
Minor household accidents happen all the time. Be ready, and find wound supplies online at Quick Supplies Online!
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