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Best Practices to Disinfect Your Medical Facility

Best Practices to Disinfect Your Medical Facility

It's more important than ever to ensure that your medical facility is adequately disinfected. After the COVID-19 pandemic, people are learning how it's important not to skimp out on disinfecting. The good news is that there are some simple best practices that you can follow to help ensure that your facility is as clean and safe as possible.

This blog post will share some of the best ways to disinfect your medical facility to reduce the spread of germs.


The Importance of Disinfecting Your Medical Facility

Maintaining a clean and disinfected medical facility for both patients and staff is crucial, especially in a health care setting. A clean environment helps reduce the spread of infection and protects patients with weakened immune systems. A well-maintained facility instills patient confidence and provides staff with a safe work environment to provide proper care.


The CDC recommends taking the following steps to disinfect your medical facility effectively:

  • Be sure to clean surfaces with soap and warm or hot water regularly, focusing on areas that are touched frequently for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water aren't available to ensure clean hands, opt for an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60% or more alcohol.
  • Disinfect surfaces daily with EPA-registered household cleaners or diluted bleach solutions. Use enough solution to wet surfaces and allow it to air dry. Pay special attention to high-touch surfaces such as door handles, countertops, faucets, keyboards, toilets, and phones.
  • If using Clorox® wipes, always refer to product label instructions before use on a given surface. Some plastics may be harmed by using Clorox® wipes too frequently. For example, doorknobs made from glass should be wiped less frequently than those made from plastic or metal since glass is more susceptible to scratching.
  • If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned with soap and water before disinfecting with an EPA-registered household cleaner or diluted bleach solution. This is ideal to promote a healthy environment.
  • Launder items according to the manufacturer’s instructions using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items being washed; dry completely afterward. Soiled linen and dirty laundry from a patient with COVID-19 should be handled with gloves and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) before being laundered; wash your hands with soap immediately afterward. Clean shoes worn in areas where patients with COVID-19 are present should also be placed in a trash bag or container until they can be laundered; wash your hands with soap right after.

By following these simple best practices, you can help ensure that your medical facility is clean and safe for patients and staff. You can significantly reduce the risk of infections by ramping up your frequency of cleaning. Our disinfectant and sanitizing products help to ensure quality infection prevention.

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